Key Takeaways from HR Tech 2019

HR Tech is over and gone, and we’re still recuperating. As we digest the new information and product announcements, we want to take a moment to reflect on the highlights of the week. While our team was spreading the importance of complete views into employee data, many amazing speakers were giving their take on HR Tech, people analytics, and data aggregation.

Check out our takeaways from #HRTechConf 2019!

Vendor Gaps

The HR Tech sales cycle is long. We all know it, but most are afraid to talk about it. Multiple speakers spoke on this process and how it can hurt people who we’re trying to sell too. When a sales cycle is too long, tech can change in the time it takes to get to a sale leading your client to a never-ending game of catchup.

While HR Tech is looking at AI and machine learning, the buyer could still be looking in their cloud and Google Sheets for answers; we already know how to get. Buyers are overwhelmed with the possibilities in front of them and often don’t have someone guiding them once the tech is in place. But there is a solution! Providing services for clients throughout the sales process and once AI and machine learning are in place makes the game of catchup faster and easier.

Too Much Separation Between Experiences

Once a candidate goes through the interview process, where do they go next? Most HR and recruiting experts are going to say they move into the employee experience phase. Well, that thought process just may have switched for many HR leaders while they were in Vegas.

We learned there’s too much separation between different stages in the employee and candidate experience. And, the only people in the company who notice those stages are YOU! All an employee notices is a seamless transition from one to the next. Make sure your employees are smoothly transitioning and staying engaged through every change to keep the process transparent.

Evolving HR Tech Strategy

Like with any technology, HR tech is continuously changing. As we’ve mentioned before, the constant change can be hard for new buyers to get their heads around. Luckily, most people already have some version of HR tech in their organization. The next step for these folks is to have them update their tech to stay with the times.

Along with updating tech in the organization, users should be aware of which system is working and which ones aren’t even turned on. With a seemingly never-ending list of HR tech, it’s easy to forget about the little pieces operating at a company. Having a team behind you to help monitor and guide those pieces makes updating and evolving that much easier.

The Power of Data

At the Women in HR Tech Summit, we heard from three amazing executives about the power of data. The significant finds are pretty apparent in that HR leaders are drowning in data. With disparate systems everywhere, it’s easy for data to get lost in the mix and employees to slip into an unengaged coma.

Having the numbers is only the first step in making smart decisions in an organization. The next step is pulling insights from the data that help you reach company goals. This is only possible if you bring the disparate systems together and draw conclusions that work best with your company’s culture. Drawing insights from specific lenses that bring your systems together and make treading through data more manageable.

Josh Bersin

The talk of the town was Josh Bersin’s’ 70-minute breakout sessions about point solutions for HR data. HR leaders today are too focused on an end-to-end solution for HR data that they’re losing key pieces to help make decisions for the future. Having point solutions or a lens to look into specific parts of a company provides HR leaders access to their current landscapes while giving insight into the future.

Large companies are the ones struggling with this concept most. It’s easy to think an end-to-end solution is the fastest and easiest way to conclude, but when you have too much data, that’s not the case.

Investing in People Analytics

People analytics is becoming more common in the workplace and becoming something employers need to have to have a positive company culture. Without tools to deliver employee metrics, HR leaders don’t have the insights they need to make necessary changes in the office.

People analytics is changing the game with insights delivered directly to users. Excel spreadsheets and Google Sheets can’t keep up with the demands most HR leaders are facing when it comes to making important decisions. But, it’s not all about the tech people analytics brings to the table. Without the proper services and support behind the tech, HR leaders still face the issue of navigating a world of insights and decisions.

HR Tech brought a lot of new and exciting ideas to the table this year! The main takeaway being people analytics and HR technology is here, and it’s here to stay. Make sure your team not only has the tech it needs to make the right decisions but someone to support them through every decision and insight.

PREDICTIVEHR has a team of HR experts you need to empower your HR through people analytics. Find out more!