Seasonal Hiring for 2022: 3 Tips You’ll Need This Season

“Woah, hold your horses. It’s too early to think about seasonal hiring!”

Not this year. Currently, there are 2 open roles for every unemployed person in the US. There’s a shortage of skilled workers in almost every industry, and hiring is an arduous task year-round. With an especially tumultuous labor market combined with the unprecedented talent shortage, if you’re not yet thinking about your seasonal hiring, you’re already behind.

When it comes to hiring, even for temporary positions, the last thing you want to do is procrastinate and regret making a quick decision. So ahead of the holiday season (yes, as early as September), here are three tips to prepare for seasonal hiring in 2022.

Bonus Content: Hiring in a Talent Shortage

#1 Start Now

Let’s just drive this point home. You’re not the only employer looking to hire seasonal talent, and we guarantee many have already started laying their claim on top candidates. Putting off hiring your holiday help may put you in a position of losing out on getting jobs filled. Preparing to hire early ensures you’ll have the roles filled by the talent that fits your organization and not the help you felt obligated to hire because you had no other choice.

Starting early also allows you to ensure that everything is internally prepared to onboard seasonal help. Start preparing the interview questions and the vital traits someone in this position needs to possess. Iron out details of your onboarding and training process, and decide when you need to have someone start in order to have them up and running by your peak busy season.

This may not be your first year hiring seasonal help, but if it is (or even if you need a refresher), brush up on the laws in your state regarding seasonal employees, taxes, benefits, etc. Being behind on such details leaves downtime for competition to sneak in and hire your candidates out from under you.

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#2 Perfect the Job Posting

If you’re using a previously written job posting, take the time to spruce it up. Ensure that the post is still accurate, up to date, and demonstrates relevancy to the market. Although it may seem obvious to you, ensure the posting explicitly states that the position is seasonal; choose job type categories that relate to seasonal or temporary employment, and add appropriate holiday or seasonal hiring phrases as tags.

When it comes to the description of the posting, consider asking a current employee in the position to get an authentic perspective of the role before writing. By communicating those expectations clearly and up front, you’re more likely to reach the candidates looking for seasonal work and avoid wasting time with those that are not.

Where you post the job is notable as well. Research college job boards, popular websites, or even social media in order to reach your target audience effectively.

Back your TA Teams: Invest in your Recruiting Team: Invest in AI

#3 Remarket your Hiring

Remarketing isn’t just for your customer acquisition strategy. Utilize this marketing technique to build a database of where you’ll find your target candidates and lay the groundwork for where you’ll focus your efforts.

Next, create your strategic messaging. Whether you’re looking to re-engage with previous employees, invite back silver medalist candidates, or attract new passive talent, your message should be unique to each group. Personalize your message to fit the target audience, let them know what to expect from their experience with you, and put your company culture on full display.

With technology on your side, you’ll have even better results. Utilizing smart platforms, you can engage with talent via SMS marketing, which is 83% more likely to generate a response than an email. Furthermore, 50% of respondents are open to receiving text messages from recruiters. Talent management platforms can schedule interviews, follow up with prospects to keep engagement strong and help prioritize your top priority candidates.

Be Prepared with PREDICTIVEHR

The experts at PREDICTIVEHR understand the talent market and the unique hurdles that come with seasonal hiring. Our team of recruiters helps your organization find and attract top talent by adapting to your company culture, serving as a bridge between employees and employers, and always staying true to the needs of the company. Get our experts working for you and be fully prepared for your holiday season. PREDICTIVEHR guarantees our hires and a 90-day retention period- Schedule your demo today.