Dump Data Overload in Favor of Focused HR Analytics

The most significant challenge of talent acquisition has always been to source and retain top talent. With advances in technology and the massive quantities of data available to us, one could infer that it’s easier than ever to do so.

But with the sheer volume of information at our fingertips and new data coming in every minute, we’re going to argue that it’s harder.

Data Overload

Recruiters and hiring managers alike are now inundated with data. More tools, platforms, and assessments mean we have data on everything from employee productivity and engagement to why they left their previous employer. But all of that data on every potential candidate becomes incredibly overwhelming. Sometimes, too much data is more paralyzing than having no data at all. Does that mean we’d be better off with less data? Let’s not get crazy.

In fact, we need as much data as possible to help us figure out whom to hire. But the only way to make heads or tails of it is to add data management to our already growing list of responsibilities. Luckily, in the age of technology, there’s another way.

To help recruiters and hiring managers sift through all of this data, we need smarter ways to organize and visualize it. HR software that helps you navigate the mountain of data is essential for meeting your workforce goals. Use it to break down candidates into buckets by career, industry, or even by specific skills you need. You can also use it to group candidates by similar skill sets and see how they match up against each other.

Keep reading: Invest in your Recruiting Team- Invest in AI

HR Analytics: Do More with Your Data

There’s no need to create additional processes for your already stressed teams. Virtually every enterprise has essential data that can provide insights into any number of talent acquisition woes; they just need help making it work for them instead of against them.

Your HR analytics can be streamlined into the most relevant data points. Each piece of data helps with key pieces of your talent acquisition success, such as assessing your employees’ performance, quickly aligning team members to openings within your company or new projects based on skills, and providing clear insight into your hiring hurdles.

The right data assessment can predict who may be likely to leave your company, what candidates are likely to thrive within your organization, and even help forecast your company’s overall performance for future planning.

There’s no debate that your data is useful and relevant. But if it’s not actively working for your enterprise, then it’s likely working against it.

More On This Topic: Top Ways to Apply Recruiting Analytics to Your Enterprise

Put Your Data to Work

The Analytics Development Lab from PREDICTIVEHR is your secret weapon in organizing, cleaning, and creating actionable insights from your overwhelming amounts of collected data. With our support, tackling HR analytics has never been easier. Here’s how we can help:

  • Our incredible system extracts data from source HCM systems and deploys a patent-pending cleaning engine to create clean, aggregated data models.
  • The dashboard allows you to script your own queries and extract data out of your customized database sandbox.
  • Use predictive modeling backed by true AI technology to reveal patterns and insights into your talent and overall company health.
  • Create custom visualizations and manipulated reports to share with your team through a secure role-based portal.
  • Plus: PREDICTIVEHR’s team of experts provides support every step of the way.

Create actionable insights from your own data to achieve real business outcomes. Get more information on the Analytics Development Lab.

Ready to get your data working for you? Schedule a free demo today.