Developing a Skills-Based Approach to Talent Development and Recruiting

The past few years have seen a growing global demand for skilled workers. Now more than ever, enterprises realize the importance of a developed skill set. This will drastically change how we hire new talent and develop internal talent. This is where skills-based hiring proves invaluable.

Evaluating employees and hires based on skill sets instead of work history can help companies realize the talent they already have. It also makes talent pools more diverse and often makes hiring more effective.

Talent is the most precious asset in any business. It can make or break a company, and it’s often one of the hardest things to find and develop. It’s clear to see why a skills-based approach is the future of hiring and development.

Companies need to adopt this new way of thinking to their company cultures or risk losing their top talent to organizations that do. When there are seemingly two available jobs for every candidate, companies cannot afford to remain stuck in old mindsets.

Support Internal Mobility

Many companies around the world are investing in future-proofing their employees with upskilling training. Enterprise leaders recognize that they need a trained workforce capable of meeting future challenges to remain competitive. To meet this demand, many have moved towards skill-building development and cross-training various departments,  bridging the gap between traditional job descriptions and career paths.

If your company cannot support a full learning program, encourage your department managers to find out what other areas of the company their employees are interested in. Allowing those employees to participate in cross-function work or assist on projects is proven to better engage and retain your employees.

Read More: Human Capital Consulting- Your Enterprises’ Greatest Asset

Focus on Skill-Based Hiring

Out-of-date recruitment baselines are presenting a disconnect between skilled workers and hiring companies. Most commonly, this looks like an emphasis on certain types of education or experience. These defaults can alienate a large percentage of available talent. Embracing  skill-based hiring sets enterprises up for additional benefits:

  • Larger candidate pool
  • Faster time to hire
  • Better competency assessment
  • Higher retention
  • Greater diversity

The first step in changing this outdated recruiting style could be changing your job descriptions. Focus on the characteristics of a person who may do well in the role or the results you’d like to see achieved. When job descriptions present criteria to meet, the results narrow automatically. When a job description presents expectations, you’ll find there are countless ways to achieve them.

This can help organizations achieve the same results — a great hire — without creating unnecessary barriers to entry.

Read More: The World of Work Has Evolved—and So Should Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Utilize HR Analytics

Developing a team of talent that will withstand whatever the future holds is top of mind for every enterprise. When you’re hiring for the unknown, you need to be able to depend on the solid team you have and know they will steer you toward your enterprise goals. This is made possible by HR analytics.

With true AI behind HR analytics, companies can better predict what skills are necessary to perform in certain roles. This knowledge helps prevent bad hires, easily identifies internal candidates, and allows you the confidence to cross-train the right employees for success in that role.

HR Analytics offers support in these areas for assured future success:

Strategic Forecasting

This includes workforce planning for short-term needs and longer-term forecasting of areas with significant risk, so you can establish strategies and plans to mitigate or even eliminate those areas.

Long-Term Planning

Design and implement a talent strategy that supports your business plan, establishes your competitive advantage, and supports your organization’s strategic objectives, so HR drives value and creates the foundation for growth.

Operational Efficiencies

HR analytics develops predictive models so you can make informed decisions about talent market trends, hiring strategies, retention tactics, merger & acquisition activities, and succession planning.

PREDICTIVEHR offers strategic advisory services to help you build, strategize and invest in your people so you can stay ahead of industry trends. Secure your future with HR analytics and the power of PREDICTIVEHR today.