Performance Engagement: Beyond Annual Reviews for UKG and Paylocity Customers

In today’s fast-paced business world, the traditional approach of annual or biannual performance reviews is no longer sufficient to drive employee growth, development, and retention. As a UKG or Paylocity customer, you have access to powerful tools that can help you implement a more comprehensive and effective performance engagement strategy for UKG/Paylocity. This blog post will explore innovative methods to supplement traditional reviews and create a culture of continuous improvement and engagement.


The Limitations of Traditional Performance Reviews in Performance Engagement for UKG/Paylocity


Before diving into alternative strategies, it’s essential to understand why relying solely on annual or biannual performance reviews is inadequate:


1. Infrequent feedback: Employees receive formal feedback only once or twice a year, leading to missed opportunities for timely improvements.

2. Recency bias: Managers tend to focus on recent events rather than evaluating performance over the entire review period.

3. Lack of real-time guidance: Employees may struggle with challenges for months before receiving guidance during a formal review.

4. Limited perspective: Reviews often rely on a single manager’s viewpoint, potentially missing valuable insights from peers and other stakeholders.


To address these limitations and create a more dynamic performance engagement process, consider implementing the following strategies:


1. Continuous Coaching and Feedback


Implementing a system of ongoing coaching and feedback can significantly improve employee performance and engagement. Here’s how to make it work:


Regular Check-ins with Managers 


  • Schedule weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings between employees and their direct supervisors.
  • Use these sessions to discuss progress, challenges, and short-term goals.
  • Leverage UKG’s or Paylocity’s performance management modules to track these conversations and set action items.


Peer Feedback Systems


  • Implement a peer feedback system where colleagues can provide insights on each other’s performance.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s 360-degree feedback tools to gather and analyze peer feedback systematically.
  • Encourage a culture of constructive feedback and continuous improvement among team members.


Real-time Recognition


  • Utilize UKG’s or Paylocity’s recognition features to allow managers and peers to acknowledge great work immediately.
  • Implement a points-based reward system tied to company values and performance metrics.
  • Regularly highlight exceptional performances in team meetings or company-wide communications.


2. Personal Development Plans (PDPs)


Personal Development Plans are powerful tools for aligning individual growth with organizational goals. Here’s how to implement effective PDPs:


Collaborative Goal Setting 


  • Work with employees to create personalized development goals that align with their career aspirations and company objectives.
  • Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria to define these goals.
  • Leverage UKG’s or Paylocity’s goal-setting features to track and update PDPs regularly.


Skill Gap Analysis


  • Conduct regular skill assessments to identify areas for improvement.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s competency management tools to map employee skills against job requirements.
  • Create targeted learning plans to address identified skill gaps.


Career Pathing


  • Utilize UKG’s or Paylocity’s career planning modules to help employees visualize potential career paths within the organization.
  • Link development activities to specific career progression milestones.
  • Regularly review and adjust career plans based on changing organizational needs and individual preferences.


3. Learning and Development Opportunities


Continuous learning is crucial for employee growth and retention. Here are some strategies to enhance learning opportunities:


Personalized Learning Paths


  • Leverage UKG’s or Paylocity’s learning management systems to create customized learning paths for each employee.
  • Offer a mix of online courses, webinars, and in-person training sessions.
  • Encourage employees to pursue relevant certifications and provide support for exam preparation.


Mentorship Programs


  • Establish a formal mentorship program pairing experienced employees with those seeking guidance.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s mentoring features to match mentors and mentees based on skills, goals, and compatibility.
  • Set clear objectives for mentorship relationships and track progress over time.


Cross-functional Projects


  • Create opportunities for employees to work on projects outside their usual roles.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s project management tools to assign and track cross-functional assignments.
  • Encourage knowledge sharing and skill development through diverse project experiences.


4. Data-Driven Performance Insights


Leveraging data can provide valuable insights into employee performance and engagement. Here’s how to make the most of your HR technology:


Performance Analytics


  • Utilize UKG’s or Paylocity’s analytics tools to identify trends in employee performance across teams and departments.
  • Use data visualizations to communicate performance metrics clearly to both managers and employees.
  • Set up automated alerts for significant changes in performance indicators.


Engagement Surveys


  • Conduct regular pulse surveys to gauge employee sentiment and engagement levels.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s survey tools to create, distribute, and analyze these surveys efficiently.
  • Act on survey results promptly to show employees their feedback is valued and implemented.


Predictive Analytics


  • Leverage advanced analytics features to predict flight risks and potential performance issues.
  • Use these insights to proactively address concerns before they escalate.
  • Develop targeted retention strategies based on predictive models.


5. Agile Performance Management


Adopting an agile approach to performance management can help organizations stay responsive to changing needs. Here’s how to implement it:


OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)


  • Implement OKRs to align individual and team goals with overall company objectives.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s goal-setting features to track OKRs and their progress.
  • Review and adjust OKRs quarterly to ensure they remain relevant and challenging.


Rapid Feedback Cycles


  • Implement short feedback cycles (e.g., monthly or quarterly) to complement annual reviews.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s performance tracking tools to log and analyze frequent feedback.
  • Encourage both positive reinforcement and constructive criticism in these rapid cycles.


Flexible Goal Adjustment


  • Allow for regular reassessment and adjustment of goals based on changing priorities.
  • Use UKG’s or Paylocity’s goal management features to easily update and track evolving objectives.
  • Foster a culture that values adaptability and continuous improvement.


Implementing Your New Performance Engagement Strategy for UKG/Paylocity


To successfully transition to a more comprehensive performance engagement approach, consider the following steps:


  1. Assess your current process: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your existing performance management system.
  2. Set clear objectives: Define what you want to achieve with your new performance engagement strategy.
  3. Customize your approach: Tailor the strategies discussed above to fit your organization’s unique culture and needs.
  4. Leverage technology: Fully utilize the features available in your UKG or Paylocity system to support your new initiatives.
  5. Train your team: Provide comprehensive training to managers and employees on the new performance engagement processes and tools.
  6. Communicate effectively: Clearly articulate the benefits and expectations of the new system to all stakeholders.
  7. Monitor and adjust: Regularly review the effectiveness of your new strategies and be prepared to make adjustments as needed.




By moving beyond traditional annual or biannual performance reviews and embracing a more holistic approach to performance engagement, UKG and Paylocity customers can create a work environment that fosters continuous growth, development, and retention. By leveraging the powerful features of your HR technology platform and implementing strategies like continuous feedback, personal development plans, and data-driven insights, you can build a high-performing, engaged workforce that drives your organization’s success.


Remember, the key to effective performance engagement for UKG/Paylocity is consistency, transparency, and a genuine commitment to employee development. With the right tools and strategies in place, you can create a culture of continuous improvement that benefits both your employees and your organization as a whole.


Contact PredicitveHR today and learn more about how we can help